Indian man forgets condom, seals his private parts with adhesive; dies of multi-organ failure

While attempting to protect your sexual partner against unplanned pregnancy is laudable, applying adhesive to seal one's 'private parts' is stupid. This is exactly what a man in Ahmedabad in the Indian state of Gujarat is alleged to have done with fatal consequences. A man in Ahmedabad died of multi-organ failure after using adhesive to seal his private parts during intercourse. In a bizarre case, a 25-year-old man in Ahmedabad in Gujarat's is reported to have died after using an epoxy adhesive instead of a condom prior to intercourse. The deceased, identified as Salman, checked into a hotel with his former fiancée on June 22. He was later found unconscious in shrubs near the hotel and was taken to a hospital where he died. Local police investigators say 25-year-old Salman Mirza used the epoxy adhesive on his genitals due to not having a condom and wanting to avoid impregnating his former fiancée. The two had reportedly gone to the hotel with another woman. “We che...